Slideshow for Lightroom

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Mac OS Windows

BragIt HTML Slideshow 1.4
Plug-in for Lightroom


A web gallery plug-in for Lightroom

This is a plug-in to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. It is intended to be used when you want to publish a collection of your photos to the web as a slideshow telling a story. Visitors to your website can scroll through thumbnails of the photos, and they can see large photos sequentially with annotations below the photo. It becomes a slideshow where the viewer is in full control of when to see the next photo, and it does not require any Flash plug-in, so the slideshow works also on an iPhone. You can download a demo version of the plug-in here.

[BragIt, Stockholm 2009 — 2013]


Features of the HTML slideshow plug-in that you can download here


This HTML-driven slideshow is intended for Adobe Lightroom. Features include:

See the sample slideshows below. Download the demo.

Why this plug-in? Why not the default ones, or other plug-ins?

Sample slideshows


What customers say

"Thanks for the software — I could not be happier! I had looked at every vendor's offerings for web plugins, and found this one most perfectly fit my needs. I am going to convert all my galleries to it. I am glad to get away from Flash, as I used it for years, but was never happy about it for many reasons." — Dan, South Dakota, USA

"Thank you very much for programming such a nice gallery plugin for Lightroom!" — Holger, Germany

"I'm very impressed by it! I do very much like the fact that it allows me to change fonts" — Robert, Oklahoma, USA

World Map

Customers worldwide

Customers in the following countries have bought the plug-in:
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, France, Germany, Netherlands, Qatar, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, USA, Viet Nam.

What's new?

The release notes describe what's new in version 1.4 relative to version 1.3, 1.2, 1.1 and 1.0.

System requirements

The plug-in requires Adobe Photoshop Lightroom version 3, 4 or 5, either in Mac OS X or Windows.

Slideshow compatibility

The HTML pages that this plug-in creates will render well in the following browsers:

With Firefox 2, the slideshow works, but the index page is not formatted the way it should. The page displays a text line at the top of the index page saying that it is an old version of the browser and the user is encouraged to upgrade. Likewise, users with Internet Explorer that is older than version 6 are similarly encouraged to upgrade.

Press release: for v1.0, for v1.1, for v1.2, for v1.3

The plug-in at Adobe Exchange

BragIt, c/o Harald E Brandt
Hägersten, Stockholm
Last updated: 2015-12-01 at 11:02:08 +0100